How is Câm different from UHT and evaporated milk?

Both UHT and evaporated milk are heavily processed to extend their shelf life. UHT stands for Ultra High-Temperature pasteurisation. The […]

Both UHT and evaporated milk are heavily processed to extend their shelf life. UHT stands for Ultra High-Temperature pasteurisation. The milk is heated to a very high temperature, which kills off not just the harmful bacteria but also the good stuff that heals your gut. The evaporated milk sold in Nigeria is reconstituted powdered milk. This means it goes through a long process where water is removed to form a powder before being shipped, and water is added back in, including sugar and other additives, when it arrives in Nigeria. There’s a lot of processing before it eventually makes it to a supermarket shelf. In both cases, this means you don’t have to keep UHT or evaporated milk in the fridge – but you’re also missing out on the taste and nutritional benefits. 


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