Meet Hajiya Safiya Adamu
One of the first pastoralists to join Câm, Hajiya Safiya is now our highest supplier, with over 2000 Litres supplied since we resumed collection in October. She earns 4x more than the average pastoralist

Tell us a bit about yourself.
My name is Hajiya Safiya Adamu. I am 59 years old and I have 8 children who are all grown up and married with kids.
How long have you been in Paikon Koré?
I used to stay in Zaria, Kaduna State but my late husband and I were invited by relatives who have lived here for more than 20 years. They asked us to move to the reserve which we did. Now I have lived in Paiko for 10 years.
What was life like before you started supplying milk to Câm?
I have been selling milk since my childhood. It is a family business. I take care of the cattle left by my late husband, which is now in the hands of my children. Before Câm, I collect and cook the milk and sell it in the market as nono (fermented milk) or as fresh milk. This was not as profitable, we could go days without selling and end up with bad milk.
Why did you start selling to Câm?
I was in my house and one day, some Câm members came to meet me. They told me what they were doing and I gladly joined. I thank God that Câm came to me because since they started buying from us, the difference is clear. My earnings are higher and I am sure that my milk will not go to waste. I also like the way they test the milk to make sure it is safe, it shows our milk has quality. Câm has really simplified some of my activities. I pray that the Almighty Allah helps Câm to keep surviving.
You are Câm’s highest supplier of milk. How do you do it?
It was very easy to convince the other women to supply me with milk. I am well known to them in the community and we all experience a lack of sales in the general market. I told them if they supply to Câm they would have higher income and they would be sure that their milk would be sold.
What more can Câm do to help in 2023?
I only have one request from Câm – we struggle to get clean water, especially during the dry seasons, and we would appreciate it if you can help us set up a borehole so we can access water.